Sunday, October 19, 2008

Questions about this code snippet

Well, I have been learning my c++ from a book. I'm quite confused with some parts of code, so a bit of help would be appreciated. Here's the code:
class AirlineTicket
class AirlineTicket

int calculatePriceInDollars();

string getPassengerName();
void setPassengerName(string inName);
int getNumberOfMiles();
void setNumberOfMiles(int inMiles);
bool getHasEliteSuperRewardsStatus();
void setHasEliteSuperRewardsStatus(bool inStatus);

string mPassengerName;
int mNumberOfMiles;
bool fHasEliteSuperRewardsStatus;

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Just messing around with structures, got this example from a book.
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
//creating the structure
typedef struct {
char firstInitial;
char middleInitial;
char lastInitial;
int employeeNumber;
int salary;
} EmployeeT;

//Creating and Populating an Employee
//Employee Declaration
EmployeeT anEmployee;
//Building and Defining the Employee
anEmployee.firstInitial = 'M';
anEmployee.middleInitial = 'R';
anEmployee.lastInitial = 'G';
anEmployee.employeeNumber = 42;
anEmployee.salary = 317000;

//Output the values of an employee, in other words, assigns the values

//Prints the values to the screen
cout << "Employee: " <<>


Just messing around with structures, got this example from a book.
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
//creating the structure
typedef struct {
char firstInitial;
char middleInitial;
char lastInitial;
int employeeNumber;
int salary;
} EmployeeT;

//Creating and Populating an Employee
//Employee Declaration
EmployeeT anEmployee;
//Building and Defining the Employee
anEmployee.firstInitial = 'M';
anEmployee.middleInitial = 'R';
anEmployee.lastInitial = 'G';
anEmployee.employeeNumber = 42;
anEmployee.salary = 317000;

//Output the values of an employee, in other words, assigns the values

//Prints the values to the screen
cout << "Employee: " << anEmployee.firstInitial <<
anEmployee.middleInitial <<
anEmployee.lastInitial << endl;
cout << "Number: " << anEmployee.employeeNumber << endl;
cout << "Salary: $" << anEmployee.salary << endl;

return 0;

First Post

Well, the first post isn't going to be an amazing program. It's just the simple "Hello World" c++ program. After I'm done with c++ I'll be going to ASM, Then C#, Then Visual Basic.

// Hello World Complete.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// My First c++ Program

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

int main( )
cout <<"Hello World!\n";
return 0;